Students discussing topics

Make your voice heard!

A degree might be a really important factor in securing a great career, but companies look for so much more when deciding which grads to hire these days.

Why not make the most of your time here at Swansea and sign up for the Student Opinion Panel to improve your skills and get your CV employer ready?

The Student Opinion Panel is a group of students from different levels of study, subject areas and backgrounds who come together to discuss a range of topics relating to the overall student experience.

Hundreds of students have taken part already and made their mark on Swansea University by sharing their thoughts and opinions.

How do I sign up?

Once you’ve decided to sign up, all you need to do is email the Student Life team, put 'SOP’ in the subject area, then your name, email address, year of study, and course title in the body of the email.

Your details will be logged and we will contact you throughout the academic year to invite you to upcoming workshops and focus groups.

By signing up, not only will you grow in confidence, meet new friends, build your CV and improve university services, but you will also receive a freebie for your time! This could come in the form of living essentials, food, and/or an Amazon voucher.