We have a rich and diverse programme on offer for our students this year. Take a look at the social activities and upcoming events we are running this term.

From pamper nights and puppy yoga to daily fitness classes and extravagant welcome parties, true residents can also benefit from a comprehensive calendar of 'trueLife™' events.

We see ResLife and your involvement as your opportunity to make the most of your time at university living within accommodation.

Conservation Volunteering

Learn new skills, make new friends, get some exercise in the fresh air and help us to keep the last wilderness around Swansea Bay special!

Join weekly for a range of practical conservation tasks, including removing invasive species, coppicing native trees and scrub and making habitat piles at the University’s nature reserve, Crymlyn Burrows SSSI

🎟 Read more & Book online

Photograph of students at Crymlyn Burrows SSSI


Are you Ready to Get ACTIVE? 💪

GET ACTIVE is focused on fun and inclusive activities designed to help you improve your physical health, your wellbeing and your social life.

GET INVOLVED in pop ups, tasters and challenges, coached sessions and outdoor activities, both on and off campus.

From £1.50 per session.

🔗 Find Out More

Event poster