Your journey starts here...

Genetics student working in lab

Congratulations on securing a place to study at Swansea University

Welcome to the MSc Diabetes Practice Family.

The course has been designed especially for busy HCPs in order to fit around their jobs. It is a 2 year part time online distance learning course, with 3 modules in the first year and 3 in the second year with the completion of a dissertation or work based portfolio by the end of the 2nd year.

The course is being developed by and taught by Diabetologists and DSN’s mainly, although there will be some sessions covered by physiologists and dieticians etc where needed with some patient videos.

All other course material will be online including assignments and tests.

If you have any more questions feel free to contact either myself (Dr Sarah Prior) or the other programme director Dr Rebecca Thomas.


Meet the teaching team


Academic Support

Induction Timetable 2024

Friday 20th September 2024

Friday 20th September 18.00 – 18.45

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 934 4244 9463
Passcode: 933868


Friday 27th September 2024